FindLaw Legal Blogs. FindLaw's Legal Blogs bring you the latest legal news and information. Both consumers and legal professionals can find answers, insights, and updates in the blogs listed below Communist terrorism is terrorism carried out in the advancement of, or by groups who adhere to, communism and its related ideologies, such as Leninism, Marxism–Leninism, Trotskyism, and Maoism. Historically, communist terrorism has sometimes taken the form of state-sponsored terrorism, supported by communist nations such as the Soviet Union Nov 22, · Greatest essays ever written about An war civil & bmw english essay essay on the how to properly quote a book in an essay mla. How to overcome insomnia process essay essay of chlorine, essay on importance of attendance argumentative essay about banning cellphones in school essay on crocodile in kannada language
Terrorism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Communist terrorism is terrorism carried out in the advancement of, or by groups who adhere to, communism and its related ideologies, such as LeninismMarxism—LeninismTrotskyismand Maoism. Historically, communist terrorism has sometimes taken the form of state-sponsored terrorismsupported by communist nations such as the Soviet Union[1] [2] China[2] North Korea [2] and Cambodia. The end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union have been credited with leading to a marked decrease in this form of terrorism.
In the s, the term "communist terrorism" was used by the Nazi Party in Germany as part of a propaganda campaign to spread fear of communism. The Nazis blamed communist terrorism for the Reichstag firewhich they used as an excuse to push through legislation removing personal freedom from German citizens. John Slocum claimed that communists in present-day Malaysia used terrorism to draw attention to their ideological beliefs, [11] but Phillip Deery countered that the Malaysian insurgents were called communist terrorists only as part of a propaganda campaign.
In the s, the Sino—Soviet split between two communist states led to a marked increase in terrorist activity in the region. Yonah Alexander deemed these groups Fighting Communist Organizations FCOs[14] [15] and says they rose out of the student union movement protesting against the Vietnam War, war on terrorism essays. In Western Europethese groups' actions were known as Euroterrorism.
Groups also began operations in Ireland and the United Kingdom. The Italian Communist Partyfor example, condemned such activity. While Vladimir Lenin systematically war on terrorism essays the terrorism practiced by the Socialist Revolutionaries and opposed regicidehe also supported terror as a tool, and considered mass terror to be a strategic and efficient method for advancing revolutionary goals. Petersburg "Combat Committee" to commit acts of robbery war on terrorism essays, arsonwar on terrorism essays, and other terrorist acts.
Not all scholars agree on Lenin's position towards terrorism. Joan Witte contends that he opposed the practice except when it was wielded by the party and the Red Army after Drake contends that the terrorist intent in Lenin's program was unmistakable, war on terrorism essays, as acknowledged by Trotsky in his book Terrorism and Communism: a Replypublished in The St Nedelya Church assault on 16 April was committed by a group from the Bulgarian Communist Party BCP.
They blew up the roof of the St Nedelya Church in SofiaBulgaria. The Cambodian genocide committed by the Khmer Rougewhich led to the death of an estimated 1.
Benjamin War on terrorism essays. Valentino has estimated that the atrocities committed by both the Nationalist government and the Chinese Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War resulted in the death of between 1. The Communist Party of Indonesia PKI had been engaged in what perceived as an act of terrorism during a communist rebellion inas well as the failed coup attempt in Aiditthe PKI was transformed into a legal party operating openly within the country and rejected armed struggle, war on terrorism essays.
The New People's Army NPA founded in has been described as the third largest terrorist group operating war on terrorism essays the Philippines. The group carried out attacks between war on terrorism essays before entering a hiatus. Between andthey carried out an additional 42 attacks. In Rhodesia renamed Zimbabwe induring the Bush War of the s, guerrillas operating in the country were considered communist terrorists by the government.
The organisations in question received war materiels and financial support from numerous communist countries, war on terrorism essays, and they also received training in several of those same countries, including the Soviet UnionChina and Cuba. Both guerrilla armies involved in the war—the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army ZIPRA of the Zimbabwe African People's Union ZAPUand the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army ZANLA attached to the Zimbabwe African National Union ZANU —were initially based in the Lusaka area of Zambiaso as to be within striking distance of Rhodesia.
ZIPRA remained based in Zambia. In line with the Maoist ideology professed by its parent organisation, ZANU, ZANLA used Chinese Maoist tactics to great effect, politicising the rural population and hiding amongst the locals between strikes. This ultimately never happened. After the Russian Revolution inthe use of terrorism to subdue people war on terrorism essays the new communist regime.
We shall return to terrorism, and it will war on terrorism essays an economic terrorism". During the apartheid era in South Africathe government under the Afrikaner National Party deemed the ANC and its military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwecommunist terrorists. In the government promulgated the Terrorism Act, which made terrorist acts a statutory crime and implemented indefinite detention against those who were captured.
During World War II the communist Viet Minh fought a guerilla campaign led by Ho Chi Minh against the Japanese occupation forces and, following Japan's war on terrorism essays, against the French colonial forces. This insurgency continued until as the Vietminh evolved into the Vietcong VCwhich fought against both the South Vietnamese government and American forces. Between andVietcong terrorists war on terrorism essays killed over 33, people and abducted a further 57, war on terrorism essays, Vo as "long and murderous.
Historian and former U. State Department analyst Douglas Pike has called the Massacre at Huế one of the worst communist terrorist actions of the Vietnam War, war on terrorism essays. Valentino has estimated a total death toll of between 45, and 80, people between and from VC terrorism. Douglas Pike also described the Đắk Sơn massacrein which the Vietcong used flamethrowers against civilians in Đắk Sơn, killingas a terrorist act.
Tran Van-Luy reported to the World Health Organization "that over the previous 10 years Communist terrorists had destroyed dispensaries, maternity homes and hospitals. AlgeriaSri Lanka of terrorist campaigns waged over the last third of the twentieth century," [58] and that the VC used suicide terrorism as a form of propaganda of the deed. Dommen has written that the majority of those killed due to VC terrorism were civilians, caught in ambushes as they traveled on buses, and that the group burnt down villages and forcibly conscripted members.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Acts of terrorism carried out by adherents of communist ideologies. Definitions History Incidents. By ideology. Buddhist Christian Mormon Hindu Islamic Salafi-Wahhabi Jewish Sikh. Suffragette Anti-abortion Environmental Misogynist. Violent extremism Ethnic violence Militia movement Resistance movement. Financing Fronting Radicalization Online Training camp Death squad Clandestine cell system Leaderless resistance Lone wolf.
Methods Tactics. Agro-terrorism Aircraft hijacking list Animal-borne bomb attacks Beheading Bioterrorism Car bombing list Cyberterrorism Dirty bomb Dry run Explosive War on terrorism essays Improvised explosive device IED Vehicle-ramming Spree shooting Individual terror Insurgency Kidnapping Letter bomb Lone wolf Mass shooting Nuclear Paper terrorism Piracy Propaganda of the deed Proxy bomb School shooting Stabbing Suicide attack list Rockets and mortars. Terrorist groups. Designated terrorist groups Charities accused of ties to terrorism.
Violent non-state actors State terrorism Kazakhstan Soviet Union Sri Lanka United States War on terrorism essays. Iran War on terrorism essays Kuwait Pakistan Qatar Russia Soviet Union Saudi Arabia Syria United States. Response to terrorism. Counter-terrorism International conventions Anti-terrorism legislation Terrorism insurance.
Anti-capitalism Class conflict Class consciousness Classless society Collective leadership Collectivism Common ownership Commune Commune model of government Communist war on terrorism essays Critique of political economy Free association From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs Gift economy Market abolitionism Planned economy Proletarian internationalism Labour movement Social revolution Stateless society Wage slavery Workers' self-management World communism World revolution.
Communist party List of anti-capitalist and communist parties with national parliamentary representation List of communist parties Communist revolution Communist state Communist symbolism History of communism.
Anarchist Marxism Leninist Libertarian Pre-Marxist Utopian Primitive Religious Christian. Communist League First International Second International Third International Fourth International. Babeuf Berkman Berlinguer Beauvoir Bookchin Bordiga Campanella Camus Castoriadis Castro Debord Durruti Engels Goldman Gramsci Guevara Guzmán Ho Hobsbawm Hoxha Kim Kollontai Kropotkin Lenin Liebknecht Luxemburg Makhno Malatesta Mao Marcos Marcuse Marx More Owen Pankhurst Pannekoek Pasolini Reclus Reich Sacco and Vanzetti Sankara Sartre Stalin Thälmann Tito Togliatti Trotsky Weitling Zetkin.
By region. Colombia France India Kerala Korea Nepal Peru Philippines Poland Russia Sumatra Vietnam. Related topics. Anarchism Social Anti-communism Anti anti-communism Anti-communist mass killings Anti-fascism Anti-globalization movement Communitarianism Crimes against humanity under communist regimes Mass killings Critical theory Internationalism Intentional community Left-wing politics Old Left New Left Marx's theory of alienation National communism Romania Red Scare Revolution Social democracy Socialism Democratic Libertarian Revolutionary Socialist economics Socialist mode of production Syndicalism Trade union War communism Worker cooperative.
See also: Dictatorship of the proletariat. See also: Cambodian genocide. Main article: New People's Army. Main article: Terrorism and the Soviet Union. Main articles: Vietnam War and Viet Cong. The Terminology of Terrorism: Malaya, war on terrorism essays, — Journal of Southeast Asia Studieswar on terrorism essays, Vol.
Terrorism and the Decline of Italian Communism: Domestic and International Dimensions. The history of terrorism: from antiquity to al Qaeda. University of California Press. ISBN Political terror in communist systems.
Stanford University Press. Terrorism today. The terrorism ahead: confronting transnational violence in the twenty-first century. Marxist Internet Archive. Jump Arts Journal — via The Noam Chomsky Website. Historical Materialism. doi : Only three years later, no room was left for criticism directed against the contemporary West.
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World. The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian War on terrorism essays, Princeton University Press. Oudeschip: Allport Books. Retrieved 30 May Dirty Wars: Elite Forces vs the Guerrillas First ed. Retrieved 28 February
Terrorism Essay In English (300 Words) -- Types of Terrorism -- Causes and Effects of Terrorism
, time: 14:06Domestic Terrorism | RAND

FindLaw Legal Blogs. FindLaw's Legal Blogs bring you the latest legal news and information. Both consumers and legal professionals can find answers, insights, and updates in the blogs listed below Nov 22, · Greatest essays ever written about An war civil & bmw english essay essay on the how to properly quote a book in an essay mla. How to overcome insomnia process essay essay of chlorine, essay on importance of attendance argumentative essay about banning cellphones in school essay on crocodile in kannada language Jul 22, · Dr. Samuel W. Mitcham, Jr., received his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. A retired professor of geography and military history, he is the author of 40 books on World War II and the War for Southern Independence, including Bust Hell Wide Open: The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest. His next books, It Wasn’t About Slavery: The Great Lie of the Civil War, will be released by Regnery
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