Saturday, November 27, 2021

Research papers on quality management

Research papers on quality management

research papers on quality management

advantageous quality management system in the construction industry. Liu () [2] stated that it is indicative that ISO has an impact on the contractors’ attitude towards quality. As for the implementation of quality management in project management, the concepts of quality planning (identification of quality standards), quality assurance In this paper I will talk about the management and leadership roles and tasks in relation to Total Quality Management. Total quality management represents, within the past two decades, one of the most reflective changes in the mode companies are now. being managed. According to Biech (), “Quality improvement (TQM) are a customer-focused, quality-centered, fact-based, team driven, senior Jan 01,  · This paper is a part of ongoing research on a holistic model for software QA activities manage- The Quality Management software that exists in Author: Omar Alshathry

Total Quality Management – William Edwards Deming

The Quality Management theories have been essentially popular during the past century. The need for effective strategies in management is obvious, research papers on quality management, concerning any company.

The issue becomes even more significant when we start speaking about the quality of the products and services that the company has been lately producing. I strongly support the view that management of the company permanently has to be in the process of investigation of current external research papers on quality management internal situations for the company. If management performs their functions correctly, the employees are going to be eager to show high performance, the quality of the product is going to be high, demand for it is going to rise, sales will grow, and customers are going to be satisfied.

For the purpose of achieving the goal of effective work of the company, there were developed several theories for the Quality Management. These theories have been tried on practice and proved to be either effective and received wide popularity among the strategistsor turned out to be ineffective and left the business environment together with those who have been testing them.

Along this research paper I am going to speak about some theories and theorists of the quality management. I am also going to show on the example of existing company how one of the quality theories management research papers on quality management can potentially assist the company in achieving further improvement. In our case guru — is one of the major contributors to the quality management.

Among most famous gurus there are: W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, Philip M. Crosby, and some others. Theories for the quality management suggested by these individuals have proved to be the most effective in the business world. Besides, their ideas were found to be innovative, compared to what has been available before, and therefore, they are viewed as geniuses or in other research papers on quality management, gurus in their field of studies and research.

In spite of the fact, that there were a number of quality management gurus, two most prominent are considered to be Edwards Deming and Joseph M. They both have been famous for contributing significantly to the development of Japanese economy with the help of their view on quality management.

Deming has introduced to the world his four concepts of quality management: appreciation for a system, theory of variation, theory of knowledge and psychology; together with his fourteen points of successful management. His theory was practiced by such famous companies as General Motors, Ford, and Toyota. Marshal industries and Gallery Furnitures are still using Deming Management Method. Deming theory claims that the primary role of management is to remove the barriers that prevent the firm from showing high quality performance.

He also believes that workers should participate in the process of decision-making. According to Deming the fundamental goal that needs to be sought to ensure the improvement of the product — is improvement of the working process.

Juran, in his turn, supports the idea that research papers on quality management problems that management faces are resulted from the errors of human element.

His main suggestion for solution of the quality management problem is providing training to all levels of management. Juran believes research papers on quality management there is a need to train management in quality concepts, use of quality circles for improvement of employee communication crosswise. From my point of view, the best effect in the Quality management can be achieved if these two views are research papers on quality management in combination. In the first case we possess a wonderful set of prescribed rules for achieving success.

But since I have to choose just one approach, I am going to use Deming Theory for my example. For the research I have research papers on quality management to choose somewhat unusual type of analysis. I am going to provide the analysis of the European Audit company KPMG, which operates globally.

I will analyze its performance both globally, and particularly in the CIS countries. Below is some general information about the company:. KPMG Company is considered to be one of the largest companies in their industry, and in many countries of the world it is considered prestigious to work for the business, research papers on quality management.

When an employee decides to work for the company — he has a certain hierarchy of positions, which he has to go through in order to be promoted. Another important issue that is left unseen by the management of the research papers on quality management, which currently takes place in the countries of CIS, is the following. After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the economic systems of the countries have been experiencing a constant change. The demand for the quality auditing and advisory services is growing constantly in those countries, and this allows such companies as KPMG to increase the number of clients there.

KPMG has added three entry positions for CIS auditors that required mechanic work and good learning abilities. After years the newcomer is expected to pass the ACCA exam and then enter the management position, if he succeeds. The ACCA education process is provided by the company.

The problem occurs, however in several facts. Due to the conservatism, both in CIS and Western World, the company often looses smart people, who are not eager to spend years before they would be allowed to implement their decisions themselves and participate in the strategic planning of the path of the company, research papers on quality management.

In the CIS countries there is one more problem. Due to the fact that the standards of living there are rather low, research papers on quality management, and salaries, that the companies like KPMG suggest are above average, people are often ready to sacrifice additional time and resources in order to keep the job, research papers on quality management.

At the same time, as I mentioned earlier the market for KPMG services in CIS is constantly growing. Besides, in CIS countries the company is not paying for overtime work.

The level of social rights education and legal system that protects research papers on quality management workers in these countries is quite low. As a result, the company gets unsatisfied employees, whose work is driven by fear. Consequently the quality of the service is falling. The quality is suffering also due to the fact that people physically are not able to do so much work well.

Another issue that contributes to the fall of the quality is that those who are working more effectively then others are not financially encouraged, but rather are given a greater amount of work. That leads to the fact that people are leaving the company right after receiving ACCA, or even earlier. Deming Management Method could be helping in solving all these problems. Here is my vision of how some of the 14 points of Deming Method are going to be helpful for this company:.

I have provided only 9 points instead of fourteen, since I find them most relevant for this particular company. Certainly attempts to implement suggested approach will come across certain barriers. Main preventions of suggested strategy are going to be people who are not eager to carry responsibility for their own actions, from my point of view.

Works cited: Official Site of KPMG. Deming, W, research papers on quality management. Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position, MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, research papers on quality management, MA, Juran, Joseph M. Y Freepress, Lavigne, Marie. The Economics of Transition: From Socialist Economy to Market Economy. Palgrave Macmillan. Summers, Donna C.

Quality Management: Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness. Prentice Hall. Goetsh, research papers on quality management, David L. Quality Management: Introduction to Total Quality Management for Production, Processing, and Services. At EssayLib. com writing service you can order a custom research paper on Quality Management topics.

Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details:. Copyright © WordPress Theme by MH Themes. We can help with writing your research paper about Quality Management now! Adopt new philosophy : From my point of view, this is one of the most important points that must be considered by the top management of the company.

The company needs to change philosophy of conservatism. It is necessary to extract as much benefit from the potential of every employee as possible. An example: the young employee has arrived to the company. The proper actions toward this person are: suggestion of the promotion, and increase in salary. Otherwise the person is likely to leave, if he realizes that in order to implement his potential he will need to wait for another 10 years.

Stop dependence on inspection to achieve quality : It is more significant to make sure that there are professionals working for you, than using a system of checking the same set of documents on every level from Audit Assistant to the Partner. Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production and service. In the case with KPMG Company it could be helpful to adopt the system of payment based on the project performance.

For example if there is a team of four people auditing the object, where a half of work was done by one person, he should be paid for this project more, then the rest. Adopt and institute leadership : it is important to spot employees, who have excellent leadership skills and provide them with opportunities and financial interest to perform them. An example from the second point could also be applicable for this point.

Drive out fear : there is no need to fear that elimination of conservative system will lead to less efficiency. Experience has proved the opposite. Break down barriers between staff areas : In order to be able to see real leaders in the company, there is a necessity to encourage less formality among top and beginning positions in the corporation. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce : the financial stimulation together with respectful treatment has proved to be the best stimulation for effective performance in the world of business.

KPMG Company lacks it. Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the transformation. I am not sure whether this needs any comments.

Quality Management System - Document Hierarchy

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Research paper on Total Quality Management (TQM) - Assignment Point

research papers on quality management

Sep 23,  · September 23, UsefulResearchPapers Research Papers 0. The Quality Management theories have been essentially popular during the past century. The need for effective strategies in management is obvious, concerning any company. The issue becomes even more significant when we start speaking about the quality of the products and services that the company advantageous quality management system in the construction industry. Liu () [2] stated that it is indicative that ISO has an impact on the contractors’ attitude towards quality. As for the implementation of quality management in project management, the concepts of quality planning (identification of quality standards), quality assurance Jan 01,  · This paper is a part of ongoing research on a holistic model for software QA activities manage- The Quality Management software that exists in Author: Omar Alshathry

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