13 rows · The medical school admission essay is a critical part of the application process. In most Sep 10, · Medical School Admission Essay. The admission essay gives the university the description of the applicant that is not apparent from admission test scores and GPA. This is the essay that showcases your experience, long and short-term goals, and ambitions The theme of a med school essay in which the applicant first deals with the inevitable reality of seeing a patient die can become hackneyed through overuse. This essay is saved from that fate because after acknowledging the pain of this reality check, he immediately commits to expanding his knowledge and skills to better serve the Hispanic community where he blogger.com: support@blogger.com
Medical School Personal Statement Examples for Applicants
Get accepted to your top choice medical school with your compelling essay. Pay close attention to the consistent format of these effective personal statements:. Give the admissions committee adcom readers a clear picture of you as an individual, med school admission essay, a student, and a future medical professional.
Make them want to meet you after they finish reading your essay. You plan to become a physician, a highly respected professional who will have great responsibility over the health and well being of your future patients. How can you prove to the admissions committee that you have med school admission essay intelligence, the maturity, the compassion, and the dedication needed to succeed in your goal?
The sample essays below are all arguments in favor of top med schools accepting these applicants. And they worked. They show a variety of experiences and thought processes that all led to the same outcome. However, while the paths to this decision point vary widely, these winning essays share several things in common, med school admission essay.
As you read them, take note of how the stories are built sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, adding to the evidence that the writer is worthy of acceptance.
This evidence includes showing a sustained focus, mature self-reflection, and professional and educational experiences that have helped prepare the applicant to succeed. As you write your essay, include your most compelling, memorable and meaningful experiences that are relevant to your decision to become a doctor.
Your resulting essay will help the adcom appreciate your intellectual and psychological strengths as well as your motivations, and conclude that you are worthy of acceptance into a top med school admission essay school. The young Caucasian male had been thrown fifteen yards from the site of impact and surprisingly was still conscious upon my arrival. Can you tell me your name? Help is on the way. Hang in there buddy. After assessing the patient, the gravity of the situation struck me with sobriety.
The adrenaline was no longer running through my veins — this was real. His right leg was mangled with a compound fracture, and his left leg was also obviously broken. The tow-truck that had hit him looked as though it had run into a telephone pole. Traffic had ceased on the six-lane road, and a large crowd had gathered.
However, med school admission essay, no one was by my side to help, med school admission essay. I was in charge. Med school admission essay patient was no longer conscious; his pulse was faint and respiration was low.
Suddenly he stopped breathing. Without hesitation, I removed my T-shirt and created a makeshift barrier between his mouth and mine through which I proceeded to administer two breaths. No response. And furthermore, there was no pulse. I began CPR. I continued for approximately five minutes until the paramedics arrived, but it was too late. I had lost my first patient. I had always imagined it as saving lives, curing ailments, alleviating pain, overall making life better for everyone.
However, as I watched the paramedics pull the sheets over the victim's head, I began to tremble, med school admission essay.
I had learned my first med school admission essay of medicine: for med school admission essay its power, medicine cannot always prevail. I had experienced one of the most disheartening and demoralizing aspects of medicine and faced it. I also demonstrated then that I know how to cope with a life and death emergency with confidence, a confidence instilled in me by my certification as an Emergency Medical Technician, a confidence that I had the ability to take charge of a desperate situation and help someone in critical need.
This pivotal incident confirmed my decision to pursue medicine as a career. Of course healing, curing and saving is much more rewarding than trying and failing.
As an EMT I was exposed to these satisfying aspects of medicine in a setting very new to me — urban medicine. I spent most of a summer doing ride-a-longs with the Ambulance Company in Houston. Every call we received dealt with Latino patients either speaking only Spanish or very little broken English.
I suddenly realized the importance of understanding a foreign culture and language in the practice of medicine, particularly when serving an under-served majority, med school admission essay. I decided to minor in Spanish. Having almost completed my minor, med school admission essay, Med school admission essay have not only expanded my academic horizons, I have gained a cultural awareness I feel is indispensable in today's diverse society.
Throughout my undergraduate years at Berkeley I have combined my scientific interests with my passion for the Hispanic culture and language. I have even blended the two with my interests in medicine. During my sophomore year I volunteered at a medical clinic in the rural town of Chacala, Mexico.
In Mexico for one month I shadowed a doctor in the clinic and was concurrently enrolled in classes for medical Spanish. It was in Chacala, hundreds of miles away from home, that I witnessed medicine practiced as I imagined it should be. Seeing the doctor treat his patients with skill and compassion as fellow human beings rather than simply diseases to be outsmarted, I realized he was truly helping the people of Chacala in a manner unique to medicine.
For me the disciplines of Spanish and science have become inseparable, med school admission essay, and I plan to pursue a career in urban medicine that allows me to integrate them.
I have witnessed its power as a healing agent in rural Chacala, and I have seen its weakness when I met death face-to-face as an EMT. Inspired by the Latino community of Houston, I realize the benefits of viewing it from a holistic, culturally aware perspective.
And whatever the outcome of the cry, "Call ! This paragraph is unusually long as an opener, but med school admission essay is both dramatic and lays out the high-stakes situation where the writer is desperately trying to save the life of a young man. Med school admission essay an EMT, the writer is safe in sharing so much detail, because he establishes his bona fides as medically knowledgeable.
The theme of a med school essay in which the applicant first deals with the inevitable reality of seeing a patient die can become hackneyed through overuse. This essay is saved from that fate because after acknowledging the pain of this reality check, he immediately commits to expanding his knowledge and skills to better serve the Hispanic community where he lives.
While this is not an extraordinary story for an EMT, the substance, self-awareness and focus the writer brings to the topic makes it a compelling read. This applicant is already a certified EMT, evidence of a serious interest in a medical career.
Through going on ambulance ride-alongs, he realizes the barrier in communication between many doctors and their Spanish-speaking patients and takes steps to both learn medical Spanish and to shadow a doctor working in a Mexican clinic. These concrete steps affirm that this applicant has serious intent. In this personal statement, an older applicant takes advantage of his experience and maturity.
Note how this engineer demonstrates his sensitivity and addresses possible stereotypes about engineers' lack of communications skills. Modest one-room houses lay scattered across the desert landscape. Their rooftops a seemingly helpless shield against the intense heat generated by the mid-July sun.
The steel security bars that guarded the windows and doors of every house seemed to belie the large welcome sign at the entrance to the ABC Indian Reservation. As a young civil engineer employed by the U. Army Corps of Engineers, I was far removed from my cubical in downtown Los Angeles. However, I felt I was well-prepared to conduct my first project proposal.
A fairly inexpensive and straightforward job by federal standards, but nonetheless I could hardly contain my excitement. Strict federal construction guidelines laden with a generous portion of technical jargon danced through my head as I stepped up to the podium to greet the twelve tribal council members. My premature confidence quickly disappeared as they confronted me with a troubled ancient gaze.
Their faces revealed centuries of distrust and broken government promises. Suddenly, from a design based solely upon abstract engineering principles an additional human dimension emerged — one for which I had not prepared. The calculations I had crunched over the past several months and the abstract engineering principles simply no longer applied. Their potential impact on this community was clearly evident in the faces before me. With perspiration forming on my brow, I decided I would need to take a new approach to salvage this meeting.
So I discarded my rehearsed med school admission essay, stepped out from behind the safety of the podium, and began to solicit the council members' questions and concerns. By the end of the afternoon, our efforts to establish a cooperative working relationship had resulted in a distinct shift in the mood of the meeting, med school admission essay. Although I am not saying we erased centuries of mistrust in a single day, I feel certain our steps towards improved relations and trust produced a successful project.
I found this opportunity to humanize my engineering project both personally and professionally rewarding. Unfortunately, experiences like it were not common. I realized early in my career that I needed a profession where I can more frequently incorporate human interaction and my interests in science. After two years of working as a civil engineer, I enrolled in night school to explore a medical career and test my aptitude for pre-medical classes.
I found my classes fascinating and became a more effective student. Today, I am proud of the 3. I acquired an understanding of the emotional demands and time commitment required of physicians by watching them schedule their personal lives around the needs of their patients. I also soon observed that the rewards of medicine stem from serving the needs of these same patients.
I too found it personally gratifying to provide individuals with emotional support by holding an med school admission essay woman's hand as a physician drew a blood sample or befriending frightened patients with a smile and conversation.
To test my aptitude for a medical career further, I began a research project under the supervision of Dr. John Doe from the Orthopedic Department at Big University. The focus of my study was to determine the fate of abstracts presented at the American Society for Surgery of the Hand annual meeting.
As primary author, I reported the results in an article for med school admission essay Journal of Hand Surgery, a peer-reviewed publication. My contribution to medicine, albeit small, gave me much satisfaction.
In the future I would like to pursue an active role in scientific research. My preparation of a career as a medical doctor started, ironically with my work as a professional engineer.
Reading My Medical School Personal Statement
, time: 8:03Medical School Personal Statement, Application Essays, Admission Essay

13 rows · The medical school admission essay is a critical part of the application process. In most Sep 10, · Medical School Admission Essay. The admission essay gives the university the description of the applicant that is not apparent from admission test scores and GPA. This is the essay that showcases your experience, long and short-term goals, and ambitions The theme of a med school essay in which the applicant first deals with the inevitable reality of seeing a patient die can become hackneyed through overuse. This essay is saved from that fate because after acknowledging the pain of this reality check, he immediately commits to expanding his knowledge and skills to better serve the Hispanic community where he blogger.com: support@blogger.com
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